Thursday, December 23, 2010

That was an Epic Fail if I do say so Myself....

After Sonja's suggestion I figured I'd explain who Ralf is so peeps back home don't get the wrong idea. He is my BFFG...Best friend for Germany. So are many others because I am Lovable G, but he lives in Großgündlach and so between he and Eric they can just waddle their little german butts to our house whenever it suits.

Anyway I thought I'd mention some Epic Fails of mine during my time here in Germany:

1. Getting "Abtasten" and "Anfassen" confused. Both mean to touch...but in different ways. Considering I was saying "You just want to touch me" and used "Abtasten" which is the way a Gynocologist touches made the conversation somewhat more awkward between Annika and I...My bad.

2. When Laura was making her nasty dumpling/noodle things she did it in boiling water...makes sense. I thought the container had a lid on it so I went to touch the lid....that wasn't there. Spent the next few minutes yelling random German words as if they were profanities....the Germans laughed.....bad Germans.

3. When I spoke to a girl in my class for ten minutes in English before realising they said "She went on an exchange TO New Zealand" not FROM New Zealand....she hadn't understood a word I said.

4. My first meeting with Laura's Grandmother: "Wie geh.... (realises she can't say "du" because she hasn't met her before) ...gehen es Sie...... (Ooops supposed to use Ihnen) .....Sienen" Fail.

5. Getting really upset when a girl I met couldn't understand me and instead said "Sorry I can't understand you" ... All I said was "Do you still have family in Dubai" auf Deutsch (she came from there), I was so embarrassed, until hours later Laura told me she doesn't speak German.....That makes sense!

That's just a few of the Fails I haven't mentioned. Obviously there's the tissue episode and I can never remember which word is cake and which is kitchen...

Hope all is well.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of "I'll just be sitting here listening to my iPod. If you need my attention just touch me... or pat me..."
