I do this often actually, grossly overestimate my directional sense and end up in central China rather than Richmond (slight over exaggeration perhaps...) but none the less I am really bad and my mum is always commenting on my ability to get lost in supermarkets - although in my defence it is not that I get lost, only that I forget which aisles I've already been in... So today I had smack down with mother dearest. Seems my high heels, the 5km walk and both our jetlagged statuses made for a tense morning and quite the adventure for me in the afternoon. Mum walked off home leaving me to fend for myself (ok I might have cracked it and wandered off of my own accord...) unfortunately no one really considered how I was going to get home, and I was left in a city I have lived in for all of two days without the faintest idea of how to get home - let alone what street I live on - woe is me.
Two and a half hours later, a lot of rude and unhelpful people who honestly thought I was joking when I said 'no I actually don't know where I live, pretty sure it's on top of a hill though, can you direct me there?' and I finally made it home after one crafty Germ asked if I knew the nearest station, thank you Herderplatz. If only I'd listened to Mum's full explanation of how to get home in the first place it probably would have taken all of 20 minutes - but that's not really the way I roll.
So Mum's threatening to put dog tags with my name and address on me in future, just in case I get lost again and a responsible adult has to come and collect me, but we'll see how I go in Hamburg - maybe I'll prove myself an orienteering master yet...but I doubt it.
Hope all is well.
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