You can tell I'm at home at the moment coz I have been posting more often, but it's too hard to do it whilst I'm out and about. So yesterday I cleaned the entire house, top to bottom and I don't think mum even noticed. I would have been angry but I was already fast asleep by that point because actually doing something proactive really takes it out of a person. Cleaning the house though made me realise something, I will never ever have a cat or dog that lives inside. I hate finding fur on things and seeing the little notches in the furniture where that spawn of satan (Bubba) has chosen to sharpen his claws. What made it worse however, was that I vacuumed the rug, just to watch him immediately come over to it and rub his furry little ass all over it, so much for de-furring the lounge.
Which is not to say that there is a ridiculous amount of hair or anything, just that I'd prefer there be none.

But I'll quit whining about the cat now. Today it is Ralf's 17th Birthday. That's all I can say about that really, just thought it'd be nice to mention it considering I refuse to write those "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! KISSES 4 MA BFFLS XXXXX LUV YA 4 LYF ILYSSSSSS" wallposts on Facebook that are far too capitalised for my liking and seem to show some gross form of affection I thought was only reserved for high school musical and 'horse lovers' (Youtube it....) but alas, even I have those moments when I feel guilted into it or just a little bit special...
Mum and I recently signed up to this website called '' Basically you can find members who will let you stay for a night or two on their couch rent free and you offer the same for other members, it's pretty much global from what I can tell. Originally though, we only joined so I could find things to do and people to meet around Stuttgart. Not sure I'm up for actual Couch surfing, mostly coz I feel a bit odd about sleeping on random peoples' couches... Well it's not like Stuttgart is the most tourist-friendly place on earth anyway, so we didn't think anyone would actually want our semi-furry couch. Oddly enough though we have had three people in a week ask if they can stay, all Rev Heads wanting to check out all the car factories and museums around here I guess. I'll keep you posted on our guests though - and let's hope this doesn't turn into another scene out of When a stranger calls...
Hope all is well.
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