Somehow whenever I hear that sentence, I either die a little bit inside to prepare for the boredom that will surely ensue as someone describes their subconscious antics to me in extreme detail or wait for a boy to tell me he dreamt about my mum (why would anyone think it's ok to tell me that? - refer to "forever alone" sentence one)....but then maybe that's just my past experience
But none the less, last night I had a dream that I was fiddling with one of my teeth and I accidentally pulled it out - and then one by one started working on all the others. Now this is either because I am going to be a toothless old freak or because I have most certainly failed my German exam and the stress of failure is making me insane - but more likely I'm just going to be Madame McGumster from age 20 onwards...
So now I am now preparing for the year of prep-school I have to go to to be able to study in Germany. I had to do it regardless of whether I passed the TestDaf or not but I was just hoping I'd be able to ask the Uni Officials really nicely if I could skip that year and go straight into uni....seems I can't, but I liked my optimism. So in February I will move up to Berlin and study there for a year (and hope that if I ask really nicely that they let me finish in 6 months) and then start to study, but for now I am planning trips to Spain, Finland and Greece - I figure I might as well have fun before high school starts up again -
- And here I thought all this uni pain would end with finishing year twelve...
Hope all is well.
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