Monday, November 22, 2010

Here and all is clear...except the sky, it's raining.

Ok so I have to admit the keyboards here suck my will to live, no QWERTY for Giorgia, not even an easily accessible @ symbol....only thing that makes me angry in Germany as it turns out!

After a 36 hour trip I'd rather forget, with several stop-overs, green plane food and me not keeping anything least I got to know the flight attendants well! It was finally over, just to run into 2.5 hours of airport security....anyway.

The family made me a poster, gave me a gingerbread heart and a teddy and proceeded to go to insane lengths to make my stay comfortable...including Laura giving a girl evil eye for commenting on my rather unattractive shoes.

The shoes, another thing that unfortunately makes me want to kill people. My usual fun, loving and easy-going nature here in Germany was interupted by the British Idiot who after nearly three weeks has still not sent my shoes, so today in three degress I wore moderately unnattractive shoes with extremely unnattractive socks....Lets just say I wasn't feeling the new look!

I feel oddly comfortable though, Germany looks exactly like you'd expect, quaint little churches and traditional houses in the villages that are roughly 100m apart and all! Unfortunately the germans make it easy for me to speak english so I have to refrain from sliding into laziness and considering their english classes (today they spoke fluently about relapses into bulemia and bipolar disorder) I see how easy laziness could be!

I did get to correct the english teacher who continued to say the omnicient (I know right!) narrator plays an AMBIGUS role....I tried not to tell him, but he said it wrong 12 times so I had to step in....ambigUous.

So I'm happy, healthy and loving Germany!

Hope all is well!

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