Ok so I went clubbing...I said I wouldn't and I did anyway....AND I LOVED IT!
Once you got past the creepy guys fondling me and having to say "STOP I DON'T LIKE IT!" every thirty seconds then realising they don't speak english and having to tranlate it politely to "Bitte lass dass", then getting past the fact that a particular guy kept on trying until our
little posse had to team up to get rid of him, then it was great! The club was packed, our group were....wasted to say the least (well most of them-five out of 13ish chose not to drink....I was one of the five) and the music was great. Plus the club had poles which drunk or not most of the people gave a shot, although the club was so packed that if you really tried to pole dance you'd probably take out two eyes and break a nose with your round house pole kick, so most just did the awkward shuffle next to it, not quite sure what to do.
We weren't allowed out late so we were home by 12 so I attempted to call family and friends to no avail, they don't understand me....In fact, seems I won't talk to Andrew for quite a few months at this rate!
We went shopping and I managed to buy MORE black, as if my entire wardrobe wasn't all black already, then Laura's grandparents came over and gave me more money for Christmas than I could take without guilt and I just sat there like a guppy....auf Deutsch of course!
Kewl well I'm exhausted, got up this morning to make some calls that no one except for Mum picked up, that's ok, but I'm going back to bed.
Hope all is well.
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