Thursday, January 6, 2011

Giorgia's Short Guide to Ginglish.

Ok so here are just a few of my tips to getting through German:

1. If it's an adjective and it ends with a "y" in English. Than just switch the y with "ig" and say it like a German. For example: Sunny -Sonnig, Icy - Eisig. I'll tell you the truth, doesn't really work all that well. Billig (cheap) is not Billy in Enlgish...Billy is a name.....or a goat.

2. If it's a noun in English add "-ieren" to the end of the word and it's now a German verb. For example: Telefonieren and fotographieren...Cupcakieren.....

3. Say everything like a's not'as Schpaaarrrrnish and if you're really not sure, drop the "e" and fake it....extreme = extrem.... Try not to do this when meeting new people though, they'll think that you're a rascist or special. 

4. For all those words you don't know the die/der/das of, simply say "d" so quickly they can't work out if you're grammatically incorrect or not and try not to smile sheepishly...

5. For that tricky "ch" sound just hiss like a cat. It's wrong, but it is amusing to see the Germans confused faces! Don't really do's not a good party trick.

6. If the conversation is about technology of any kind just speak english. All the words are pretty much the same and as if the subject isn't complex enough! I personally avoid talking about technology related things in both languages.

7. Try not to make Australian slang into German words. For example: Suck is not a german word and just because you try to make it one (ich sucke, du suckst, er/sie/es suckt usw.) does not make it any more effective!

8. Once you've learnt a phrase and know it's grammatically correct, just use it non-stop. My personal favourites are: Ein bisschen, noch nicht and wie geht's dir?

Oh and just whilst I remember, to make my teacher happy, here is more german music:

Peter Fox, Unheilig, Ich + Ich, Die Ärzte, Die Toten Hosen and Xavier Naidoo...all bands and singers.

Hope all is well

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