Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Munching Munich.

Today I went to Munich. Laura and Denise also came. That is all.
Nah, I'm messing with you! We saw the Deutsche Museum and ate Bratwurst, checked out the Marienplatz and took countless photos in front of the Hofbrahaus, it was a good day.
I wasn't feeling the Deutsche Museum so much, don't get me wrong I LOOOVVVEE museums (Shameless Nerd #1) but it was pretty much just engineering and science...neither of which are my strong point. I really loved the aeronautics exhibit and the medicine part was interesting too, and in english thank god! Shame the music rooms were closed for renovations and the only historical subject was on the Muesum's history, but at least I got to see Laura have a full blown panic attack when we checked out the mining zone....she's such a giant she couldn't stand up straight so the claustrophobia set in quickly, unfortunately she was also so tall she blocked out the light, so there wasn't a lot us migdets (Denise and I) could do but try not to get trampled! (She was fine though) Oh and I also learnt that Blimp is Zeppalin auf Deutsch....haha "Blimp," so it was a day well spent.
Later I forced Laura to take dozens of pictures of me with the Munich Lions, when I was finally done with self-portraits I included the girls for a moment or two...then back to me.
Then we checked out the city. Denise bought herself a handbag, which was packed in a handbag holder (also know as a bag) which was placed in yet another bag. We looked at the Hardrock cafe, many other Germanic places and then we ate Macca's, because everyone goes to Munich for its McDonalds! No, it was just easier after I've already taken bites of most German foods and not gone for a second bite...I'm picky.
Then we wandered around, I stared wide eyed at all the pretty things. The buildings, the trees, the people....Then we caught a train home and what do you know? We're home. Oh and I also managed to laugh till I snorted today. Sonja put lemon juice in the salad dressing and whilst Denise was saying something very serious at the dinner table and it was all quiet I said outloud (accidentally) "Mmmmm....Lemon," don't think anyone but Annika heard but we all cracked up!
Hope all is well.

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