From the first moment we laid eyes on one another I knew it was meant to be. Admittedly I was in a leopard print onesie and he was probably trying to keep his eyes off the camel toe the aforementioned onesie was no doubt giving me, but none the less...the moment was perfect and we have continued to build a strong connection ever since.
After our first meeting when I asked the neighbours who I hadn't met up until that point if I could borrow their vacuum, the older brother was forced in to my house to grab a glass I could not reach. I noticed he seemed to be a little uncomfortable, almost nervous really. I'm not sure why considering I was as appropriately dressed as he'd ever seen me, actually managing to have put jeans and a t-shirt on; but then again, my fringe was sticking up at a 90 degree angle and I wasn't wearing any makeup - I know, I go out of my way to impress....
What's has made it difficult for our relationship to progress though is my inability to remember names. I'm fairly certain the younger one said they had just moved from Turkey, but maybe I just made that up to fill in the gaps where their names should be... Luckily I need to get our TV fixed and there a few more things I need moved around in the kitchen, so we'll have plenty more time together for me to work it out... Let's just hope they're looking forward to it as much as I am.... *Rubs hands together whilst laughing evilly* For now imma choose my next outfit - snuggie this time? I can belt it to show off my waistline?
Hope all is well.
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