1. I like that Germans are so organised. They will say they're not, that their trains sometimes run 2-4 minutes late and that there was this one time (at band camp), that they had to catch a BUS because the train broke down. Well honey, in Australia you might as well walk coz that bus is going to be fours hours late and only have enough space for twelve of the 200 people waiting.

2. Germans feel completely comfortable telling people exactly what is on their mind. Now I've mentioned before that there is no point asking a German how they are (wie geht's), because it is just a cue for them to give you their life story, but that's more because unlike in english where it's just an ice-breaker, if you ask a German how they are then they think you actually want to hear about the upcoming finalisation of their divorce and how their kids have been in the past two years since you've seen them....so don't say it unless you mean it. However, I think it's kind of nice that Germans are more open about how they feel. Complaining in a restaurant would make me cower and run but Germs have no problem telling the chef that he is a complete failure; What's more is that you'll never hear a German asking "does my butt look big in this?" because chances are - they've already been told.
Saves a dress malfunction and a bad meal - Useful really.
3. Germans know how to party. *Sigh* I sound like a drunken 16-year old posting on her facebook wall saying that, but I have to hand it to them - they do. They start drinking after 10, don't even consider hitting a club till past one (and frankly that's still a bit early) and often don't come home till they've visited a recovery club (which don't even open till 5-6am). I love it! And if it weren't for my love of stripper heels that make my feet weep by 3am before playing dead around 4-5, I'd probably be right there with them. Unfortunately my partner in crime Ash usually sits in the corner and has a cry around 4 and we have to catch the tram home so he can be tucked into bed with his security blanket and teddy....nah I'm kidding, the security blanket and teddy stays at his place.
I sense he probably won't find that crack nearly as amusing as I do.....
He's gotten much better though. I'm impressed really, he even got a girl's number after I gave him the best pick-up advice I could offer - be foreign -
And that dear reader, is all for today.
Hope all is well.