I thought I'd inform you about Germans in the crossover period between Winter and Summer. You see the change of season is a difficult time for Germans everywhere. The Germs, usually accustomed to packing their summer clothing down in the cellar for the long winter months, don't really want to go back down to the dark and dingy depths of their houses in April or May to retrieve the aforementioned clothes and hence are confronted with the difficult decision as to whether they should change over their wardrobe yet or not. Of course they choose not to, because after all, it's not officially summer until June 21st -

Now this is not a criticism per-say....all I'm sayin' is that I have enough clothing to dress at least four African nations and yet I still manage to fit it all between my useless IKEA furniture and the floor....
But maybe I'm just feeling touchy about the large number of german women who do not believe me when I tell them I am an adult, (barely, I'll give you that) but none the less! The sheer number of German women between the age of 30-55 who think it is ok to tell me that a "girl just hitting her teenage years" or "someone so young as you" shouldn't be wearing makeup, or heels - even skirts seem to be off limits from the looks of it, is just ridiculous! I think it would be ok if they retracted their comments once I told them my age but it's usually followed with "now come on, don't lie" or "Oh. Seriously?" Somewhere between my 5"2 stature and bob I seem to have lost at least five years....well, flat shoes - the new anti-aging solution it would seem....
Anyways I'll leave it there, have some study to do so I at least only fail this exam (see below) a little bit....but here's the shortened version of my life in the past two months as promised:
- Went home to Australia, but you knew that already. I did manage to drag out my birthday celebrations for three whole days and fit 17 people into a hotel room for four... Then I proceeded to drag Magenta clubbing every night of every weekend as soon as she turned 18, *sigh* I miss my wingman.
- Found a new wingman, unfortunately this one is actually a man and people constantly ask if we are together before proceeding to look at us questioningly...don't be ridiculous - he has much better taste than that...
- Decided to stay in Germany to study and proceeded to begin preparing for the TestDaf (uni entrance exam for foreigners), which is both the most complicated and pointless exam I have ever attempted to pass....but if I fail I'll just go celebrate in Spain and if I pass - Poland's looking nice.......
Hope all is well.
why is a ginger doing this???? its not like thay have a soul or anything XDDDDD
ReplyDeleteHahaha I didn't know you required a soul to write a blog :P
ReplyDeletepiss off loser
ReplyDeleteWhat was the point in posting that exactly? Did it make you feel big and important being all anonymous and all?