My head is saying "I told you so," my stomach is doing playful somersaults at the thought of food and the rest of me is praying for McDonalds and Panadol. That being said, Eurovision was great (after a few drinks) and despite the sad lack of Switzerland in the finals I'd call it a good night.
So yesterday I went to Filderstadt to look after a friend's cats. Resisting the urge to give in to my crazy inner cat woman, I didn't take the cats home with me and instead ventured to the bus stop only to find I had a 20 minute wait in the sun. Rangas don't like the sun. It doesn't suit us, we burn or freckle - not sure which is worse. So I casually sat on the steps of some random's house to get in the shade. I did notice the curtains shuffling about and a head peering out at me but I pretty much ignored it until a man in his late forties came out and started nervously questioning me about my reasons for sitting in front of his house. Now, judging by his reaction, I can only assume that he thought I was planning to kidnap his wife and children or something... Luckily before he could shoo me away, his wife came out and told him to leave me be - I was clearly harmless - she then topped it with "wow, just look how white she is honey, she'll die in that sun" Accurate. But hurtful...

So whilst I'm freaking out, hoping my best friend doesn't fall and crack his head open on the concrete, the young bartender is hitting on me. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but surely he would have assumed Ash - the boy who despite my ear-splitting tantrum, is climbing up a wall for me so I can get into my home - was my boyfriend no? I think that was the only time I've ever wanted that error to be made, because bartender boy clearly wasn't really holding the ladder secure for Ash and I highly doubt he would have caught him if he fell. Luckily Ash proved himself quite the ninja and succeeded, leaving Bartender Boy to mumble something about me coming to the restaurant more often before quietly shuffling off.
So what have I learnt from this you might ask? Well it would seem that stress drives boys up the wall...
Hope all is well.
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