The point to me telling you this is that our neighbour's patio is directly next to ours, and therefore they can see through our kitchen window and into the lounge room. This wouldn't be an issue if I ever remembered this, but I don't, and I think they've probably seen enough to paint me like one of Jack's French girls....
Just thought I'd quote Titanic there...too much information?
Anyways, so I am quite the ninja when it comes to drunken text messaging. Mine are usually grammatically correct and roughly spell checked - ever the perfectionist - and usually go something like this:

At least I'm complimentary?
Usually I do cringe face and check my facebook and phone immediately when I get up and sure enough there are always messages from me and usually people replying with "Big night? :D "
Yes. It was. Now excuse me whilst I tell you and anyone else I messaged that whilst you are smart (debatable), funny (also debatable) and pretty (Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...) - I don't love you, I never have and am probably not about to start....mah bad.
Now my friends, knowing that I do this, nearly always take my phone off me, log me out of facebook and keep an eye on me so this doesn't happen. How successful do you think they are? Somehow I always find the phone, get on to facebook and tell everyone just how special they are to me...
On the bright side, I am a peace loving drunk who just wants to sing and dance and tell people they're beautiful and maybe cry like that girl out of mean girls who "doesn't even go here!" when people tell me they get it, they're beautiful and I really want to say "NO, YOU DON'T GET IT! You're so pretttyyyyy". Well, at least I'm not the red-headed version of Paris Hilton getting a little too affectionate and making a film of it or Mel Gibson punching people and being racist, see - silver lining to everything!
Anyways study to do and a cat to feed -
Hope all is well.
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