So last night I had a shower, as I often do. However, unlike the showers of Christmases past (ok and other days...) this one decided to ruin my day's efforts of washing all the towels in the house by overflowing. Not only did the water flood the entire bathroom, but it made its way into the hall and towards the kitchen too and like some demonic wave of destruction the more I tried to stop it, the further it spread. Naturally, when I realised what had happened I ran down the hallway in panic mode towards the towels - which just a few hours earlier I had neatly stacked, ready to be put away - only to face-plant it onto our hardwood floor. I'm pretty sure I could actually hear the flood cackling at me as I stood up, holding on to the side of my face in pain and grabbed the towels to throw them down wherever the water level was 3cm or higher.

Bubba - ever the hero - looked like he was going to have a stroke as he swam through the wreckage, sobbing loudly as his fur became more and more drenched. Luckily for him he then proceeded to hoist his fat, wet body onto my mum's bed and give me death stare until the crisis was over. I knew we should have gotten a dog....
So that was the highpoint of my day.
Other than that I failed to really achieve a lot today apart from writing a few essays, feeding my hateful cat and nursing my face-plant wounds... my life is so riveting.
Luckily now I know the chaos that will be unleashed just by showering, so if ever there's a dull moment I now have a new party trick - time to befriend my neighbours I guess....
Hope all is well.
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