Sunday, January 2, 2011

Can't think of a good Title.

Ok just a quick whine for this paragraph: So Germans allow dogs inside....disgusting. Don't get me wrong if it's your house all fair game. However I'm talking those nasty little rat dogs (Chihuahuas) to even Clydesdales (St Bernards) in hotels, shopping centres and restaurants. Gross. It's not that I don't like dogs, I'm happy if it's my dog, but other people's dogs are slobbery and bark and just generally agitate me...Not Happy Jan. (Sorry Germans watch this for the Jan

I am also insanely jealous of German doorbells. They all have doorbells, most even have those awesome buzzer doorbells where you don't have to answer the door, they can just let themselves in. Whilst it's not so uncommon to have a doorbell in Australia it seems to me it's rare that they actually work. We seem too lazy to fix them, and instead...Use. Our. Hands. We knock, an action perhaps the Germans didn't master before the doorbell was invented!

It seems German Recycling is too complicated for even the most hardcore of Germans to understand. In school there's a green, blue and yellow bucket. Probably another colour too but I usually just shut my eyes and sing "Eenie Meenie Minney Mo" before throwing my rubbish into a random bin so I'm not sure. At the beginning I would ask my classmates, but they just give me the blank stare that says "Good question, I've been wondering that myself," then go back to work. So I now understand that you take a random guess with anything that is not a drink bottle, Germans get money back like in S.A. for returning plastic bottles and unlike us, they actually want the money back...guess it's more than $0.05 per bottle here! Oh and then there's wood recycling, paper, metal, plant waste recycling etc. You'd think it'd be easier just to have one recycling box like Australia.

The only other thing to mention is that Germans have a love of seriously random drinks. Ralf was loving himself some toffee flavoured liquor on Silvester and Hans is obsessed with some nasty fanta/coke mixer...too sweet for me. Not to mention Laura and the Flavoured beer forget that! Then there's Karamelz, I can't describe it, it tastes sweet and that's it. I can't place the flavour, maybe caramel? That'd make sense.

Hope all is well.

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